Dat's real good ? Justice Lulu the Pill-man Gill's rabbit 1905 Duty to rescue My Jules ! Slavery She voted ! Olympe at the Pantheon Abortion The marriage bonds Through Jann Trona Pinnacles Food for thoughts Mountain IN-FLUX season 01 In the strongest terms My Juke-Box Saigon on Marne Riviera The Chaland Enigma Georges Hyvernaud Kill, Eat Haenyo Womanhattan Keep Your Hair On, Olivier Moka Malo Sem, the incisive cartoonist The Apple of my Eye Under your fingers Phylactère Nocturnes White Gloves Jossot, from Gustave to Al Pais Remember Acapulco Casa The Mountain that tastes of Salt Benjamin Rabier Colonel Berger Alain Carrier Jean Douchet Immense Immobile Raymond Aubrac O'Galop Back in tune
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Claire Juge
by Mathilde Parquet
by Annabelle Basurko
by Louise Cailliez
by Annabelle Basurko
by Laura Petitjean
by Florentine Grelier
by Aude Ha Leplège
by Jonas Schloesing
by Avril Tembouret
by Céline Pouillon
& Christian Argentino
by Annabelle Basurko
by Eloïc Gimenez
by Seb Farges
by Armelle Mercat
by Richard Hamon
by Marc Faye
by Thi Bach Tuyet Pham
by Marie-Christine Courtès
by Marc Faye
by Matthieu Bareyre
by Louise Traon
Abdul Karim
by Marc Faye
by Christophe Laurier
by Ludovic Bonleux
by Daniela de Felice
by Julien Lahmi
by Marc Faye
by Louise Traon
by Marc Faye
by Thierry Jousse
by Marc Faye
by Pascal Convert
& Fabien Béziat
by Marc Faye
by Sylvie Coulon
In the strongest terms Food for thoughts The Chaland Enigma Georges Hyvernaud Kill, Eat Womanhattan Moka Malo Sem, the incisive cartoonist The Apple of my Eye Nocturnes White Gloves Jossot, from Gustave to Remember Acapulco Casa Raymond Aubrac O'Galop Back in tune The Mountain that tastes of Salt Benjamin Rabier Colonel Berger Alain Carrier Jean Douchet Immense Immobile Projects : Maux pour mot Le Journal de Rebecca M.
by Laura PetitjanPlease Madam, answer me !
by Christian Argentino
& Marie-Laure Désidéri
by Annabelle Basurko
by Avril Tembouret
by Céline Pouillon
& Christian Argentino
by Annabelle Basurko
by Seb Farges
by Richard Hamon
by Marc Faye
by Thi Bach Tuyet Pham
by Matthieu Bareyre
by Louise Traon
Abdul Karim
by Marc Faye
by Ludovic Bonleux
by Daniela de Felice
by Pascal Convert
& Fabien Béziat
by Marc Faye
by Sylvie Coulon
by Julien Lahmi
by Marc Faye
by Louise Traon
by Marc Faye
by Thierry Jousse
by Marc Faye
by Jeanne Hervieux
by Daniela de Felice
Dat's real good Justice Lulu the Pill-man My Jules ! Slavery She voted ! Olympe at the Pantheon Abortion The marriage bonds Trona Pinnacles Mountain À travers Jann My Juke-Box Saigon on Marne Riviera Haenyo Keep Your Hair On, Olivier Under your fingers
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Marc Faye
by Mathilde Parquet
by Louise Cailliez
by Claire Juge
by Florentine Grelier
by Aude Ha Leplège
by Jonas Schloesing
by Eloïc Gimenez
by Armelle Mercat
by Marie-Christine Courtès
Al Pais
by Christophe Laurier
Project : IN-FLUX
by Annabelle Basurko
Républicature - Marc Faye
Républicature met en perspective l’Histoire de douze lois emblématiques de la République française de 1791 à nos jours en les décryptant par l’intermédiaire de caricatures.
Republicature highlights the History of twelve laws, emblematic of the Republic from 1791 to nowadays, through cartoons.
by Marc Faye
Olympe at the Pantheon
The marriage bonds
Gill's rabbit
My Jules !
Duty to rescue
She voted !
Lulu the Pill-man
Dat's real good ?
by Marc Faye
Saisons d'oiseaux Mise en culture, dispersion et récolte des épines Copeaux Cabana Genesis Rien que pour l'amour des gens Stone Où es-tu Méddahet ? Maman est spationaute Ortolans Autokar
d'Isis Leterrier
de Jeanne Girard
de Marlène Popovic
de Karolina Chabier
de Nicolas Fattouh
de Serena Porcher-Carli
de Karina Ykrelef et Ambre Gaultier
de Virginie Costa
de Marc Faye
de Sylwia Szkiłądź