Benjamin Rabier, the Man who Made Animals Laugh
Data sheet - Synopsis - Presskit
Year : 2012
Length : 53 min
Language : French
(English subtitles)
Film format : HD, 16:9, Stéréo
Broadcast medium : DCP, DVD, Blu-ray,
digital file HD
Coproducers : Girelle Production et Bip TV
Visa : 142507
Supports : CNC, Région Aquitaine, Écla, Région Centre, Ciclic,
Procirep Angoa
ISAN : 0000-0003-A6A3-0000-X-0000-0000-C
Writer and director : Marc Faye
Soundtrack : Sylvain Ollivier
Synopsis :
Everybody knows Laughing cow but nobody knows who is the artist behind this famous trademark. Benjamin Rabier (1864-1939) is a French illustrator, comic book artist and animator.
He became famous for creating La Vache qui rit (The laughing Cow) and Gédéon le canard (Gideon the duck) he is also one of the pioneers of animated films .
This is the opening sequence of the documentary "Benjamin Rabier" directed by "Marc Faye" and produced by Novanima
The director
Marc Faye
Marc Faye is a director and producer who works on different projects dealing with original or real stories. He supports young directors' projects in documentary (Womanhattan, George Hyvernaud, The Chaland Enigma and newly : Alex Barbier and La Révolution des cantines) or animation (Keep Your Hair On, Olivier, Riviera or recently : My Juke-Box and Saigon sur Marne)
Broadcast - Distribution - Festivals
Broadcast : Bip TV
Distribution : Novanima productions
Festivals :
MIFF Maine International Film Festival, Waterville, United-States, 2013
Festival Be There, Corfou, United-Kingdom, 2013
Reanimania Festival, Yerevan, Armenia, 2013
Angoulême International Comics Festival, France, 2013
Escales Documentaires, La Rochelle, France 2013
Carrefour du cinéma d’animation, Forum des images, Paris, 2013
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