In production
Data sheet - Synopsis
Year : 2020
Length : 70 min (12 x 5 min)
Language : French
Film format : HD, 16:9, Stéréo
Broadcast medium : DCP
Coproducers : Girelle Production
Supports : Bip TV, TV78, CNC, Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Procirep Angoa, Eurodoc
Synopsis :
Caricature is a sensitive seismograph of our society. Nowadays, the strikking impact of caricaturists' works on current events can echoe more than two centuries of significant illustrations which marked big changes in our society. Although they were frequently depreciated by critics, awesome cartoonists contributed in making caricature a living art and a popular medium. Republicature contrasts the French Republic History by decoding twelve iconic French laws from 1791 to the present day via twelve caricaturists. Twelve short films with a precise angle of attack will tell the story of twelve characters who participated in the enactment of those laws. The first-person narrative mode helps the incarnation of those twelve synopsis. Those short films will have a poetic, humorous and political tone, by stand-alone episodes about 5 minutes which address a family audience.
The director

Marc Faye
Marc Faye is a director and producer who works on different projects dealing with original or real stories. He supports young directors' projects in documentary (Womanhattan, George Hyvernaud, The Chaland Enigma and newly : Alex Barbier and La Révolution des cantines) or animation (Keep Your Hair On, Olivier, Riviera or recently : My Juke-Box and Saigon sur Marne)
Broadcast - Distribution
Broadcast : Bip TV, TV78
Distribution : Novanima productions