Maux pour mot

In development

Data sheet - Synopsis

Year : 2020

Length : 52 min

Language : Français

Supports : FIPADOC, convention d'écriture

Director : Jeanne Hervieux


Synopsis :

In the office of Florence Nafziger, a speech-language pathologist from Strasbourg's suburb, women, men and children face their language issues. How to talk throught a mouth which betrayes thoughts almost everytime or just when we do not expect it ? The stuttering is their commun reason of their consultation and each one try to fix this mysterious and taboo pain which secretly conditions their daily life when they try to speak with someone else.

The director

Jeanne Hervieux

Jeanne Hervieux

Broadcast - Distribution - Festivals

Broadcast :  Kanaldude

Distribution : Novanima productions


Festivals :

FIPA, ALCA Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Biarritz, 2019

Award :

FIPA, Lauréat de l'appel à projet premier film - ALCA Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Biarritz, 2019