Sem, the incisive cartoonist
Data sheet - Synopsis - Presskit
Year : 2016
Length : 68 min
Language : French
(English subtitles)
Film Format : HD, 16:9, Stéréo
Broadcast medium : DCP, Blu-ray, DVD, Quick time
Coproducers : Vivement Lundi ! et Bip TV
Visa : 144407
Supports : CNC, Région Aquitaine, Écla, Conseil départemental de la Dordogne, Ville de Périgueux et Procirep Angoa
ISAN : 0000-0003-F8A1-0000-4-0000-0000-P
Soundtrack: Thomas Gallet
Synopsis :
Georges Goursat (1863–1934), known as Sem, was a French caricaturist famous during the Belle Époque.
A charming and talented man, Sem was working in Paris at the time of the opening of the Universal Exposition in 1900 where the Art Nouveau style in architecture and decoration was hugely popular.
Maxim’s the world renowned restaurant in Paris was one of his favourite haunts and to this day Sem’s drawings appear on its menu.
The director
Marc Faye
Marc Faye is a director and producer who works on different projects dealing with original or real stories. He supports young directors' projects in documentary (Womanhattan, George Hyvernaud, The Chaland Enigma and newly : Alex Barbier and La Révolution des cantines) or animation (Keep Your Hair On, Olivier, Riviera or recently : My Juke-Box and Saigon sur Marne)
Broadcast - Distribution
Broadcast : Bip TV
Distribution : Novanima productions
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