Jean Douchet

Data sheet - Synopsis

Year : 2012

Length :  80 min

Language : Français

Film format : HD, 16:9, Stéréo

Broadcast medium : DCP, DVD

Coproducers : Tarmak Films et Les Productions Baggheera

Visa : 129727

Supports : Région Normandie, Ciné-cinéma, Région Centre,
CNC et Région Aquitaine

ISAN : 0000-0003-0FE3-0000-B-0000-0000-4


Director : Thierry Jousse

Synopsis :

Jean Douchet shares cinema's times about some rare films by Renoir, Fritz Lang, Minnelli, Hawks, Bergman, Lars Von Trier, Truffaut, Bunuel, Hitchcock, De Palma, Rossellini and Mizoguchi.

This documentary discovers a ferryman of cinema history, a skilful sorcerer, a cineasts' lover and offers to the public a direct access to his teaching and to his analysis of significants films' excerpts, highlighting his method of reading cinematographic image.


The director

Thierry Jousse

Thierry Jousse wrote for a while in Cahiers du cinéma, before starting filmmaking in the late 90's, with several short films : Le Jour de Noël (1998), Nom de Code : Sacha (2001), Julia et les Hommes (2003) and Buenos Aires Fantasma (2006). His first feature film was in 2005, Les Invisibles. Beside his filmmaker's activities, he is also a musician and a composer and has collaborated for a while with Jazz Magazine, Les Inrockuptibles, France Inter, France Culture and France Musique (radio on which he animated with Laurent Valero, the musical radio program Easy Tempo from 2008 to 2011). After short-films and fiction features, Thierry Jousse started documentary film with L’Âge d’or de la musique de film (2010) and Jean Douchet ou l’art d’aimer (2012). As a cinema and music lover, he frequently collaborates with the website Blow up-Arte on some pograms about music and cinema.

Broadcast - Distribution

Broadcast : Bip TV

Distribution : Novanima productions



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