La Révolution des cantines
In production
Data sheet - Synopsis
Year : 2020
Length : 52 min
Language : Français
Film format : HD 16:9
Supports : CNC (FSA sélectif), France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Director : Annabelle Basurko
Synopsis :
We all experienced canteens. Today, following all social changes that question the feed business, the mass cantering is on the front line. It is absurd to keep malnurishing our kids.
Jean-Marc Mouillac is the first French head chef who obtained the Ecocert label in his canteen of the little town of Marsaneix.
After this first impulse, the work is not yet completed. Jean-Marc's team is now entrusted by the department of Dordogne to train cookers in canteens, to federate local producers and to support the transition of canteens on this territory.
The film proposes to follow this conversion via an immersion in the backstage of a canteen in the city of Sigoulès. Starting from what compose our meals, kids, cookers and others commited people are accompanied in their awareness of this social issue.
The director

Annabelle Basurko
Annabelle Basurko works as an editor since 2012 on several TV reportages projects, webdocumentaries (14x6', 26') and short fiction films for Arte Web, Canal + and France Télévisions. In 2003, she received the grant "Defi Jeune" to make her first film Ma Banale séparation, a 80 minutes creative documentary. Then she directed in autoproduction The Hole, a medium-lenght fiction film. After moving in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (southwest of France) where she was born, Annabelle made a documentary series (4×15') : Kill, Eat for the TV program : La Revue Far Ouest, in which she questioned our relationship to the animal death.
Broadcast - Distribution
Broadcast : France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Distribution : Novanima productions