Data sheet - Synopsis - Presskit
Season 1 :
Year : 2010
Length : 6 x 5 à 7 min
Season 2 :
Year : 2015
Length : 25 x 5 à 7 min
Language : Français
Film format : HD 16:9 Stéréo
Broadcast medium : DCP, DVD
Coproducers : Girelle Production
Supports : BIP TV, TV Tours, Région Aquitaine, Ciclic, Région Centre, CNC, Procirep Angoa, CIBDI d’Angoulême, Ecla, La maison de la BD de Blois
Director : Marc Faye
Soundtrack : Thomas Gallet
Synopsis :
This documentary collection proposes a thematic approach of History of comics and highlights the specificities of the "neuvième art".
The director
Marc Faye
Marc Faye is a director and producer who works on different projects dealing with original or real stories. He supports young directors' projects in documentary (Womanhattan, George Hyvernaud, The Chaland Enigma and newly : Alex Barbier and La Révolution des cantines) or animation (Keep Your Hair On, Olivier, Riviera or recently : My Juke-Box and Saigon sur Marne)
Broadcast - Distribution - Festivals
Broadcast : Bip TV, TV Tours
Distribution: Novanima productions
Festivals :
Angoulême International Comics Festival, 2011 (season 1) & 2016 (season 2)
Festival Delémont'BD, Switzerland, 2016 (season 2)